SPOILERS: Follow your Arrow: Clue 1

For your viewing pleasure, here are all the shawls which made it along to knit night tonight. With Clue 2 just released things are going to get interesting!









I’m going to try really hard not to look at any spoilers to help me make my decision between 2a or 2b? It’s not really cheating is it?

On your marks…

… get set, GO!

Yarn choices were made, and then remade around the table at Richmond Knitters last night.


Lots of discussion around the pros and cons of using one colour or two.


Lots of oohing and ahh-ing happened. Chris couldn’t decide so she made the decision we all would have made, buy all the yarn…

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Not long after arriving home from knit night, the first clue was released. It was exciting, far more than I had imagined. I’m beginning with Clue B, as soon as I stop procrastinating!


Are you knitting along? Progress shots next week!

World Wide Knit-along


If you haven’t heard of the ‘Follow your arrow’, Ysolda mystery knit-along, then you’re clearly not frequenting the right knitting group!

My number one resolution for the year was to not join any knit-alongs, whatsoever. Despite the fact that every (or almost every) Richmond Knitter (near or far, hello Melanie and Bee) is participating. After reading Kate’s blog this week, I’m weakening. With clues being released once a week, Sharon can only knit so far ahead… this appeals to me greatly.

So I went stash diving this morning on my Ravelry stash page, very handy to have your stash info handy in such circumstances. Turns out I only have 2 or 3 choices I can use for this project (stop laughing), without resorting to striping. I have 4 balls of Rowan Soft in green, or 10 balls of Bendigo Woolen Mills sock yarn in a grey marl. I guess I’d better get my yarn out to have a squish to help me decide.

Regardless of whether I do join this insanity, I’ll keep you updated on the group’s progress week by week, by way of photographs of WIPs on Monday nights, after all that’s part of the fun.

Farewell Melanie


With great sadness The Richmond Knitters farewelled Melanie (to go back home) on Monday night. It’s been quite a journey, although neither of us could tell you how long, we’ve been friends forever.

She is currently on a plane winging her way back home, so there can be no more tears… for now at least. It is the end of an era, as someone said to me on Monday night. I can’t really remember a time when Melanie didn’t come to the Richmond Knitters, maybe we didn’t exist before then.

It’s incredibly brave to move countries, (the selfish) part of me hoped it wasn’t going to happen, but I know it’s for the best. It’s not as if we won’t ever see each other again, or be in contact constantly or instantly, you have to love social media for that.

The first time I meet Melanie happened to be at another knitting group held in a yarn store. I thought she was wonderful (apparently I told her she was cool) and invited her along to RK. The rest is history. So many happy memories and gin and beer and good food. We’re going to miss you Melanie.


Knitting Resolutions

Happy 2014!

A solid plan

A solid plan

The changing of the calendar brings with it a chance to pause and reflect on the goals we want to achieve. Reflect on the successes of the previous years, the lessons learned from the challenges we faced and strategies to tackle them next time they appear.

Looking back – 2013 was a year of significant change in my life – moving from Brisbane to Melbourne and as a result becoming a fairly regular attendee of Richmond Knitters’. There’s something comforting about the sense of belonging to this group and being about to completely geek out over yarns, patterns and notions without being labelled a ‘suzy homemaker’ (or worse). Being welcomed into a friendly space to share our passion together is all kinds of awesome. But enough of that.

Looking forward – 2014 should be a far more stable year. There is time and space to set knitting goals – I’ve committed to making myself six large projects:

  • two shawls (including my first Mystery Knit-A-Long),
  • two cardigans
  • a pull-over top and
  • a pair of socks for Mr Redpen (my first socks!).

I’ve also made a resolution to only buy yarn for projects in my Ravelry queue and not blindly add to stash (with an exception to be made for Bendigo). I’d like to try new types of needles – metal or carbon and develop my continental knitting skills too.

Now that it’s in writing, it all seems very ambitious!

What resolutions (knitting or otherwise) have you made for 2014?